


Want to stand out in your emails? Learn how to create a professional and eye-catching Gmail signature in this comprehensive tutorial! This step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know about crafting an impressive signature that reflects your brand or personality.

In this Gmail signature tutorial, you’ll discover:
✅ How to access and navigate Gmail settings for signature creation.
✅ Customizing your signature with fonts, colors, images, and hyperlinks.
✅ Adding social media icons and contact details for maximum impact.
✅ Best practices for designing an effective and professional signature.
✅ Tips for ensuring your signature displays perfectly on all devices.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, professional, or enthusiast, a well-crafted email signature can leave a lasting impression. Watch now and level up your email communication with a personalized Gmail signature!

Link to download the template :

Keywords: Gmail signature, Email signature design, Professional email signature, Customize Gmail signature, Branding, Email communication, Personalized signature, Gmail settings, Step-by-step tutorial, How to create a signature in Gmail.

Are you preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam and looking for valuable insights into the type of questions you might encounter? Look no further! In this comprehensive video, we’ve compiled a curated set of AWS Solution Architect Associate level questions and answers that will help you supercharge your exam preparation.

Our expertly crafted questions cover a wide range of AWS services, architecture best practices, security, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned AWS pro or just starting your journey, these questions will challenge your knowledge and ensure you’re fully prepared for the exam.

🎓 Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and level up your AWS expertise!

Watch the video, test your skills, and take one step closer to becoming a certified AWS professional!

👍 If you find this video helpful, please like, share, and subscribe for more engaging content on AWS, cloud computing, and technology trends. Let’s journey through the cloud together! #AWS #SolutionArchitect #CloudComputing #CertificationPrep

1. A company wants to ensure the highest level of durability for data stored in Amazon S3. Which S3 storage class provides this durability?
A. S3 Standard
B. S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access
C. S3 Glacier
D. S3 Intelligent-Tiering

2. An organization is planning to migrate a large amount of data to Amazon S3. What service can be used to transfer data securely and quickly from an on-premises environment to Amazon S3?
A. AWS Snowball
B. AWS DataSync
C. AWS Direct Connect
D. AWS Transfer for SFTP

3. A company wants to deploy a web application that requires a relational database service. Which AWS service is suitable for hosting a managed relational database?
A. Amazon RDS
B. Amazon DynamoDB
C. Amazon Redshift
D. Amazon S3

4. An organization needs to secure access to their EC2 instances in a VPC. Which service provides centralized control of access to EC2 instances?
B. Amazon CloudFront
D. Amazon VPC Security Groups

5. A company wants to monitor and collect metrics about their AWS resources and applications. Which AWS service can be used for this purpose?
A. Amazon CloudFront
B. AWS CloudTrail
C. Amazon RDS
D. Amazon S3

6. An organization wants to host a static website using AWS services. Which service is ideal for hosting static websites?
A. Amazon S3
B. Amazon EC2
C. Amazon RDS
D. Amazon DynamoDB

7. A company needs to securely store and manage encryption keys for their applications and services. Which AWS service provides centralized key management?
A. AWS Certificate Manager
B. AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
C. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

8. An organization needs to route traffic between different AWS services within a VPC securely. Which service provides fully managed, private connectivity?
A. Amazon CloudFront
B. AWS Direct Connect
C. Amazon VPC Peering
D. AWS PrivateLink

26 More Questions and Answers in the above video.

Answers and Explanation:

1. A – S3 Standard storage class provides the highest level of durability by replicating data across multiple devices and facilities within a region. One Zone-Infrequent Access, Glacier, and Intelligent-Tiering offer different trade-offs in terms of durability and cost.

2. A – AWS Snowball is a service that allows for secure and quick transfer of large amounts of data to and from AWS using physical storage appliances. DataSync is for online data transfer. Direct Connect is for dedicated network connections. Transfer for SFTP is for SFTP-based file transfers.

3. A – Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is a managed service that simplifies the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database in the cloud. DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service, Redshift is a data warehousing service, and S3 is an object storage service.

4. A – AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides centralized control of access to AWS resources, including EC2 instances. CloudFront is a content delivery network service. WAF is a web application firewall service. VPC Security Groups are used to control inbound and outbound traffic to EC2 instances.

5. B – AWS CloudTrail enables governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account. It records AWS API calls for your account. CloudFront is a content delivery network service. RDS is a managed relational database service. S3 is an object storage service.

6. A – Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is ideal for hosting static websites. S3 allows you to store and retrieve files, making it suitable for hosting static content. EC2 is a compute service. RDS is a managed relational database service. DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service.

7. B – AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data. Certificate Manager is for SSL/TLS certificates. IAM is for access management. CloudHSM is for dedicated hardware security modules (HSMs).

8. D – AWS PrivateLink provides private connectivity between VPCs, AWS services, and on-premises applications, securely on the Amazon network. CloudFront is a content delivery network service. Direct Connect is for dedicated network connections. VPC Peering connects VPCs within the same AWS region.

26 More Questions and Answers in the above video.

I’m going to help you troubleshoot a particular issue that many AWS users face – locked out of SSH into your EC2 instance. This might happen if you have made some changes in firewall (in Ubuntu its ufw) for example you enabled it and allowed some port only and if that ssh connection broke or something, you can’t get reconnect. Don’t worry; I’ve got your back! In just couple of minutes, I’ll show you some quick steps to get you back on track.

Before we dive in….. there are couple of points to remember

1.) This procedure requires a stop and start of the EC2 instance. If the instance has any data stored on instance store volumes, that data is deleted after stopping the instance.

2.) If the instance is part of an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group, then terminating the instance might also stop instances within the Auto Scaling group.

3.) If the instance is launched by services that use AWS Auto Scaling, then terminating the instance might also stop instances within the Auto Scaling group.

4.) Instance termination depends on the instance scale-in protection settings for the Auto Scaling group. If the instance is part of an Auto Scaling group, temporarily remove the instance from the Auto Scaling group before starting the resolution steps.

5.) Stopping and starting the instance changes the public IP address of the instance. It’s a best practice to use an Elastic IP address instead of a public IP address when routing external traffic to the instance.

Follow these steps to configure user-data for the instance:

1.) Open the Amazon EC2 console.

2. Choose Instances from the navigation pane, and then select the instance that you plan to connect to.

3. Stop the instance.

4. Choose Actions, Instance Settings, Edit User Data.

5. Copy the following user data script into the Edit User Data dialog box, and then choose Save.

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="//"
MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/cloud-config; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cloud-config.txt"

- [scripts-user, always]

text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="userdata.txt"

iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F
systemctl restart sshd.service || service sshd restart
if [[ $( cat /etc/hosts.[ad]* | grep -vE '^#' | awk 'NF' | wc -l) -ne 0 ]];\
then sudo sed -i '1i sshd2 sshd : ALL: allow' /etc/hosts.allow; fi

6. Connect to the instance using SSH.

7. The preceding user data script is set to run on every reboot of the instance. After regaining access to the instance, remove the user data script.

There are several components related to AWS CLI.  The primary components we’ll use for this tutorial are AWS CLI, CLI Configuration, Bash Configuration, Terminal Application and AWS account.  Refer to below diagram to understand the overall architecture. 

1. AWS Configure Command

First way to authenticate to your AWS account using the AWS CLI is to use the configure command.  This command prompts you for 4 information

  • AWS Access Key
  • AWS Secret Key
  • Default Region
  • Default Output format

Note that this method requires use of AWS Access and Secret key.  To obtain this key set, log into your AWS console and download it for one of your IAM user.  It is highly recommended that you don’t use the root user for this type of access use case.  Instead create  IAM user and group.    

  1. Open Terminal application
  2. Type aws configure
  3. Enter AWS Access Key ID string
  4. Enter AWS Secrete Key String
  5. Enter default region code.  See AWS Regions and Endpoints for valid region codes.  
  6. Enter output format.  Valid values are jsontext and table.  Note that this value only affects the format of the response on the Terminal application and does not affect any functionality.  

2. Named Profiles

A profile is a set of 4 values (AWS access key, secret key, default region and output format) identified by a profile name. AWS CLI uses 2 files named profiles and credentials to store these values on your computer.  The credentials file contains AWS access key and secret keys pairs per profile.  The profile file stores region and output pairs per profile.  These files are located in a hidden folder called .aws in your home directory. 

You can store multiple profiles in these files and use them in the AWS CLI by referring to the profile name.  By default, when you use the aws configure command, the information is stored as default profile


Adding a New AWS CLI Profile

Follow these steps to add a new profile called AdminProfile.  You can choose whatever name you want.  Note that the profile created through these steps will be stored in the AWS CLI’s credential and config files under .aws folder in your home directory.

  1. Open Terminal application
  2. Type aws configure ––profile AdminProfile
  3. Enter AWS Access Key ID
  4. Enter AWS Secret Access Key
  5. Enter default region name
  6. Enter default output format
  7. At this point a new profile entry is created in your local AWS CLI credentials and config files. 

Using AWS CLI Profile with Command Option

Once you have a profile saved locally, you can reference the profile in any AWS CLI command by adding the ––profile option.  As example, to issue command using a named profile called MyAdmin, add the option ––profile AdminProfile to your command.  AWS CLI will issue the command using the stored profile and its permissions.

Example using stored profile named AdminProfile:

  • aws s3 ls ––profile AdminProfile
  • aws s3 mb s3://com.geekmentor.bucket.demo ––profile AdminProfile

3. Environment Variables

Environment variables are global values that are stored in your computer’s memory that can be used by various programs.  There are several environment variables that AWS CLI natively understands.  AWS CLI will use the values in the environment variables and overrides all other configured values such as named profile setting.  Only exception is the command line parameter where you type in the option parameter directly along with the command.  You can see complete list of environment variables that AWS CLI supports.

Follow these steps to set an environment variables.  This example sets the variable AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT to a value table.  

  1. Open Terminal application
  2. Type export AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT=table
  3. This should set an environment variable named AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT to a value “table”. 
  4. In order to verify, type echo $AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT
  5. This should respond with value “table”
  6. If you want to see all environment variables on your computer, type printenv.  

Now whenever you issue an AWS CLI command, the result will be in table format regardless of the output format set in your profile.  To override the environment variable value, add the corresponding option directly in the command.  For example, to override the AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT environment value, use ––output option in the command (i.e. aws iam get-user ––output json which will respond in json format for this command only).   

Setting AWS CLI Environment Variables in the .bash_profile

You can use the .bash_profile file to set commonly used environment variables so they are automatically available every time you open the terminal application.  The .bash_profile file is simply a text file that the terminal application executes when it starts.  

If you don’t use .bash_profile and just set the environment variable using the export command in the terminal application, the environment variables are only set for the current session.  This means that when you restart the computer or quit the terminal application, the set values will be gone.  

Follow these steps to set environment variables in the .bash_profile file.  In this example, we’ll set the AWS_ACCEESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY environment variable values.  

  1. Find .bash_profile file on your computer.  This file is located in your user’s home directory.  Note that this file is hidden file type and may not display by default on your computer.
    • If you are using Terminal application, type cd $HOME to go to your home directory.  Then type ls -a to list all items including hidden files. 
    • If you are using Finder, navigate to your user home directory and press shift command . (period) keys at same time to toggle to display hidden items. 
  2. You should see .bash_profile file.  If you don’t see this file, you can create one.  
  3. (optional) Create a new .bash_profile file (only if you don’t already have one)
    • Open Terminal application and navigate to. home directory by typing cd $HOME
    • Type nano .bash_profile  This command opens a text editor
    • Press control x keys to exit and type Y to save the file.  This action creates a blank .bash_profile file. 
  4. Open .bash_profile file from Finder.  This opens up a TextEdit program.  
    • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YourAccessKeyIDhere
    • export AWS_SECRET_KEY=YourSecretKeyhere
  1. Save the .bash_profile file.
  2. Quit the terminal application and reopen it.  The new Terminal application will be initialized with 2 environment variables. 
  3. To see all of the environment variables currently set, type printenv
  4. Now when you issue AWS command, the AWS CLI will automatically use the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY value in the environment variable overriding any profiles configured in the AWS profiles and credentials file. 
  5. You can see current IAM user that CLI is using by typing aws iam get-user which should return user profile current credential.  Note that this command requires minimally IAMReadOnlyAccess permission to execute.   

4. Configuration Precedence

It’s important to understand the precedence of the configuration that AWS CLI uses when using combination of techniques namely command line options, environment variables and named profiles.  

  1. AWS CLI will always use the command line options you type directly into the command using double dashes.  As example, to output response as JSON format, you can append ––output json to your command.  This method will override any other configuration such as named profile and environment variables. 
    • Example: aws iam get-user ––output json
  2. In absence of command line option, AWS CLI will use the environment variables.  The environment variables set either via export command in the Terminal application directly in the session or via .bash_profile file will override any other configuration such as named profile.  
    • Example: export AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT=table
  3. In absence of command line option and environment variables, AWS CLI will use the values set in the named profiles in the credentials file
  4. In absence of values in the command line option, environment variables and credentials file, then AWS will use the values in the config file.  

You can see full list of precedence of the AWS CLI configurations for other use cases. 


There are several ways to configure AWS CLI to work with your AWS account.  First method is using the aws configure command which saved as the default profile.  Second method is setting one or more named profile in the AWS CLI config and credentials file.  This is convenient way to store multiple profiles on your local computer.  Third option is using the predefined environment variables that AWS CLI understands.  Environment variables can be configured in the .bash_profile file to be set automatically whenever Terminal application starts. 

When using one or more configuration methods, it’s important to understand the precedence.  Namely, the options directly passed into the command line takes highest precedence.  Then environment variables followed by named profiles.  

You move apps out of your organisation’s catalog of apps by transferring an app to another organisation. You want to transfer an app when you’ve sold the app to another developer or you want to move it to another iTunes Connect organisation.
You can transfer the ownership of an app to another developer without removing the app from the store. The app retains its reviews and ratings during and after the transfer, and users continue to have access to future updates. There’s no limit to the number of apps you can transfer, but each app needs to be transferred individually.
In this video I will walk through the entire process to transfer the app from one account into another.

Does your application contain a Drawer? Do you want to have it up and running in less than 5 minutes? Do you want your drawer to follow the Android Design Guidelines? Do you have profiles? Do you need flexibility? Is Google’s navigation Drawer of the design support not enough for you? Do you want a simple and easy to understand api?
If any (or all) of these questions seem familiar, the MaterialDrawer is the perfect library for you all.
Never waste your time again. It provides you with the easiest possible implementation of a navigation drawer for your application. There is a Header with profiles (AccountHeader), a MiniDrawer for Tablets (like Gmail), provide custom DrawerItems, custom colors, custom themes, … No limits for customizations.
Implementing a Navigation Drawer was never that easy.
Github page for MaterialDrawer Library:

There are still chaos in the process of getting Reliance Jio 4G Sim, most of the stores in big cities at least trying to keep the stocks of JioFi 4G Hotspots available for the customers to buy. Reliance quietly launched the JioFi 4G wireless Hotspot with OLED Display and an improved 2600mAh battery. This device can be purchased by paying INR 1,999. At the time of the launch this device was available at the price of Rs 2,899 but slashed to Rs. 1,999 later.

The Jio Welcome Offer is still available for all the JioFi 4G wireless hotpots till 31 Dec 2016. As of now, Reliance Jio has not made clear about what the plans will be post 31 December 2016, although it is expected to be similar, if not better, than what’s being offered to other Jio SIM card holders.
Read: Reliance Jio 4G SIM activation delay explained
The first variant was priced at Rs. 2,899 with no OLED display and a 2300mAh battery. The main difference between the old variant and new one is you can connect only 10 devices on the new JioFi as opposed to 30. Reliance Jio JioFi is portable so you can literally take your network wherever you go. The device can be used for up to 5 hours on a single charge and up to 260 hours of standby time. Similar to the other JioFi devices, it gets a microSD card and a micro-SIM card slot.
One of the best feature of the Reliance JioFi 4G Wireless hotspot is to allow you to use 4G LTE on any of your phone that doesn’t support 4G through the Jio4GVoice (formerly JioJoin) app. The app allows you to place calls and send messages through the JioFi.


Tim Cook just unveiled its new installation of iPhone device. Apple kept a great deal of interest even from those who have never bought any of its flagship device. Tim Cook introduced new iPhone in its famous style and the crowd gone crazy. It was interesting to see that most of the rumors about the new iPhone 7 before its launch were actually true. Despite that, these new iPhones will gonna be in your wish list with the kind of features that this new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus is having.

1. Gorgeous New Design

Apple has done a tremendous job in crafting the new iPhone 7. It is looking stunning with the new design revamp. The new iPhone 7 is constructed with incredibly strong 7000 Series aluminum. You can’t take your eyes off the stunning looking iPhone. The enclosure is splash and water resistant and the Home button is completely reengineered. The jet black finish in the iPhone 7 is like nothing we have ever seen. Its available in Black with a matte finish, High gloss jet black, silver, gold, and rose gold finishes.
As rumored, the home button here is similar to the Force Touch trackpad on the Mac. It’s force-sensitive and unmoving. It, too, has a vibrating “Taptic” engine to give you feedback meant to simulate an actual button press.

2. Water and Dust Resistant

With the new enclosure reengineered the new iPhone 7 is water and dust resistant. Like other waterproof phones in its class, it meets IP67 waterproofing standards. There is no more fear of spills, splashes and even dust.

3. Camera

Apple has designed the new camera system for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus each. With its 12 megapixel sensors, optical image stabilization, f/1.8 aperture, six element lens, high speed sensor, Quad-LED true tone flash and wide color gamut make iPhone 7’s camera best in any smartphone ever.
The iPhone 7 Plus camera on the other hand has 2 cameras that shoot as one. The same 12MP wide-angle camera that’s on iPhone 7 works with a 12MP telephoto camera that can achieve high-quality zoom from farther away. And the new depth-of-field effect (coming soon as a software update) makes it even better. 
Up front, there’s a 7MP FaceTime HD camera for selfies. (Up from 5MP.)

4. Retina HD Display

The new wide color gamut, 3D touch and 25% brighter screen make it to deliver cinema-standard colors. Apple is claiming the wide color gamut to be the best color management in the smartphone industry.

5. Stereo Speakers, EarPods

Apple iPhone 7 sports new stereo speakers boasting twice the volume of iPhone 6s model, along with a wider range. EarPods that have a Lightning connector will be shipped in the iPhone 7 box. But if you still want to listen through your old headphones, you can plug them in using a 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter, which will also be included in the box.

6. Fast Processor

The new iPhone 7 is powered by the new chip designed by Apple called A10 Fusion chip. It is more efficient and its faster than the previous generations of the chips. iPhone 7 is said to have longest battery life ever in any iPhone.  A10 Fusion chip’s CPU has two high‑performance cores and two high‑efficiency cores, the high‑performance cores run at up to twice the speed of iPhone 6 and high‑efficiency cores consumes the one-fifth the power of the high‑performance cores.

7. Faster LTE and Crystal Clear VoLTE calls

Apple iPhone 7 features advanced LTE that can speed up to 450 mbps data downloads. It is 3 times faster than that of iPhone 6 and LTE supports up to 25 bands which will be helpful in worldwide roaming.
Since iPhone 7 supports VoLTE which is high-quality calls, conversation over phone will sound way much better. One of the good feature of iPhone  is that it can answer calls from Whatsapp, Facebook etc like regular calls including call waiting.

The day is here for which every fanboy of Apple waits eagerly. If you are a die hard fan of Apple, you must already know that Apple is going to launch its historic device today which is expected to be called iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus . There are a lot of speculations about the launch of new version of Apple Watch but it’s not clear if Apple will call this Apple Watch 2.

KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has released a detailed research report on the upcoming iPhones.Ming-Chi Kuo is known for his track record when it comes to Apple device rumors. 

Kuo’s report predicts the likely features that iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will have. Lets take a look what this tech rumor mill is churning for months.

1. New Processor


There has been a lot of buzz around the next installment of the iPhone 7 processor. One rumor suggest that the upcoming CPU will be the fastest chip to have ever featured in an iPhone. The company designation for the chip is A10 and it could be clocked at 2.37 GHz. Similarly, the iPhone 7 will be the first Apple phone to feature 3GB of LPDDR 4 RAM. Currently, the iPhone 6 series features 3GB of onboard RAM.

2. More Storage, Upgraded Memory


As per the KGI report, Apple will also be giving both RAM and storage boost to the new installation of the iPhone devices.

The company is expected to drop 16GB and 64GB models and add a 256GB variant.

This means Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models will come in 32GB, 128 GB and 256GB variants. Both the iPhones are also likely to get a RAM boost of 1GB.

3. More Color options


Apple is also adding new color options. The company is likely to add ‘Dark Black’ and ‘Glossy Piano Black’ variants to the iPhone range.

These may replace the existing ‘space grey’ colored variant.

4. Dual Lens Camera


It is expected that iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will sport a dual camera setup, comprising both wide-angle and telephoto camera. Each camera will have 12 megapixel sensor.

Other rumors say that the smaller and simpler iPhone 7 will still feature the single lens camera, but its larger sibling, the iPhone 7Plus will likely feature a dual lens back camera. The camera module in both versions remains the same and features the same lens.

5. Water Proofing


As per the reports, both the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus will be water-proof with IPX7 rating.

Same as that of Apple Watch, this means that the device can withstand immersion in water up to 1 meter (for some 30 minutes).

6. Screen Upgrade


Apple is likely to give the displays a boost as the smartphones are rumored to have the same wider color gamut as there is in the 9.7-inch iPad Pro. However, there will be no change in the screen size of both the upcoming iPhones.

Some reports also claim that Apple may use iPad Pro’s True Tone technology.

7. No Headphone Jack


One of the most widely-rumored feature of the upcoming iPhones has been the dropping of 3.5mm headphone jack.

KGI’s Ming-Chi Kuo too agrees with this most-written about leaked feature. According to him, Apple will be bundling Lightning EarPods and a Lightning to 3.5mm headphone Jack adapter with both the new iPhones to compensate for the omission.

The same was also confirmed by an alleged packaging of iPhone 7 Plus that surfaced online recently.

Other Rumors worth to look at

In the heat of rumors, we’ve come up with some of the features that are almost confirmed. Here is a list followed by more details of those supposedly confirmed features:

Lack Of Home Button:

Another rumor has it that the upcoming iPhone 7 will not feature a physical home button. Instead, the phone will simply use a pressure pad that takes into account the applied pressure from your thumb or finger. Apple have recently done the same to their laptop range and the possibility of happening it with the iPhone 7 is quite high.

Larger Battery

The iPhones are known to have reasonably smaller batteries but their efficiency and power management has never been questioned. The previous version, the iPhone 6 had a 1715 mAh battery but still clocked decent hours for the day. The iPhone 7 is about to change that with its batteries. Though the iPhone 7 basic edition will feature a marginal improvement over its predecessor, it is the iPhone 7 Plus that will steal the show with its monstrous 2810 mAh battery. If this is true, this will give the plus version enough horse power to last for a day and a half under full work load and a full charge.

Fast Charge

Though this technology has been around for quite a while in other brands, the iPhone 7 is about to get its version of fast charge. Through this technology, you can charge your phone much faster compared to normal chargers. The unique feature of Apple’s version of fast charge is that it will boast a five volt two amp charging, which is almost double the current to what the iPhone 6 used to get from its charger.

There is a lot of confusion about VoLTE amongst general public who are not very tech savvy. Lets begin to understand what these technical terms in a simple manner. First of All, The Reliance Jio 4G service is exactly what it says, a 4G service. There is no 2G or 3G signals so phones that are not 4G compatible will not work on this network.
2G, 3G, 4G LTE and VoLTE:
4G LTE is a packet switched technology whereas 2G and 3G are circuit switched. On 2G and 3G networks wireless providers like Airtel, Vodafone etc transmit voice calls over the traditional circuit-switched networks. While in 4G LTE technology when a user makes a voice call the mobile latches to a 3G or 2G network that is available to make the call. But subscribers use the newer IP-based 4G LTE network to access the Internet and other “data” services.
The VoLTE, service enables wireless operators to use the data network to transmit voice services in the same way they transmit data. In short, This means even voice is transmitted as data.
Currently Reliance only owns 4G LTE spectrum, So if you are in a area where there is no 4G coverage your phone will not be able to make call. You can still use 4G phones that support Jio’s LTE band, but you will not be able to make calls unless your phone supports VoLTE.
This guide will show you a complete list of the supported phones that will work on Reliance Jio Network.

List of 4g Phones with VoLTE under Reliance Jio Preview/Welcome Offer

Type Your Phone Model, if it is there in this list then this is supported under Reliance Jio Welcome Offer

List of 4g Phones with VoLTE under Reliance Jio Welcome Offer
Brand VoLTE Phones
LYF Earth 1, Earth 2, Wind 1, Wind 2, Wind 3, Wind 4, Wind 5, Wind 6, Wind 7, Flame 1, Flame 2, Flame 3, Flame 4, Flame 5, Flame 6, Flame 7, Flame 8, Water 1, Water 2, Water 4, Water 5, Water 6, Water 7, Water 8, Water 10, Water 11
Alcatel  Alcatel POP3, Alcatel POP 4, Alcatel POP Start, Alcatel Pixi 4,Alcatel Pixi 5, Alcatel OneTouch X1
Asus  Asus Zenfone 2 (ZE551ML), Asus Zenfone 2 (ZE550ML), Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (ZE601KL), Asus Zenfone 2 Laser 5.0 (ZE500KL), Asus ZenFone 2 Laser (ZE550KL), Asus Zenfone 3 (ZE552KL), Asus Zenfone 3 Laser(ZC551KL), Asus Zenfone 3(ZE520KL), Asus Zenfone 3(ZS570KL), Asus Zenfone 3(ZU680KL), Asus Zenfone Max (ZC550KL), Asus Zenfone Selfie(ZD551KL), Asus Zenfone Zoom(ZX551ML), Asus Zenfone Go 5.0 LTE (T500)
Celkon  Celkon 4GTAB-7, Celkon 4GTAB-8, Celkon ACE, Celkon POP,Celkon Q4G, Celkon Q4GPlus
Gionee Gionee E8, Gionee F103 Pro, Gionee F103(1GB), Gionee F103(2GB), Gionee F103(3GB), Gionee M4, Gionee M5, Gionee M5 Lite, Gionee M5 Lite CDMA, Gionee M5 Plus, Gionee P5L, Gionee S Plus, Gionee S6, Gionee S6s, Gionee S7, Gionee V6L
HTC HTC Desire 626 dual Sim,HTC Desire 628,HTC Desire 630, HTC Desire 728 Dual SIM, HTC Desire 820, HTC Desire 820Q, HTC Desire 820S Dual Sim, Desire 825,HTC Desire 826, HTC Desire 826 DS, HTC Desire 828 DS, HTC Desire 830, HTC Desire Eye, HTC 10, HTC 10 Life style, HTC One A9, HTC One E9 S dual sim, HTC One E9+ Dual Sim, HTC One M8, HTC One M8 Eye, HTC One M9 Plus, HTC One M9e, HTC One ME Dual Sim, HTC One X9
Huawei Huawei Holly2 Plus, Huawei Honor 4C, Huawei honor 4X, Huawei honor 5C, Huawei honor 5X, Huawei Honor 6, Huawei honor Bee4G, Huawei honor6 Plus, Huawei honor7, Huawei Nexus 6P, Huawei P9
Gionee  CTRL V6L LTE, Elife S7, Elife E8, F103, Marathon M4, Marathon M5, Marathon M5 Plus, M5 Plus, S Plus, S8, P5L, Elife S6, F105, P7 Max, S6pro
HTC  Desire 820, Desire 626, Desire Eye,Desire 820S Dual Sim,Desire 828 DS, Desire 820Q,Desire 626 dual  Sim, One M8 Eye, One M8, One A9, One M9 Plus, One E9+ Dual Sim, One ME Dual Sim
Huawei  Honor 4x, Honor 5x, Honor 6, Nexus 6P(32 GB), Nexus 6P(64GB), Honor 6 Plus, Honor 7, Honor 7i, Mate 8, Nexus 6P(32 GB), Nexus 6P(64GB), P8, P9
InFocus InFocus Bingo 50+, InFocus M370i, InFocus M425, InFocus M430, InFocus M460, InFocus M535, InFocus M535+, InFocus M680, InFocus M808i, InFocus M812i
Intex Intex Aqua 4G, Intex Aqua 4G Star, Intex Aqua 4G Strong, Intex Aqua 4G+, Intex Aqua Ace, Intex Aqua Ace 2, Intex Aqua Ace Mini, Intex Aqua Craze, Intex Aqua Eco 4G, Intex Aqua GenX, Intex Aqua Music, Intex Aqua Power 4G, Intex Aqua Raze, Intex Aqua S7, Intex Aqua Secure, Intex Aqua Shine 4G, Intex Aqua Strong 5.1, Intex Aqua Super, Intex Aqua Trend, Intex Aqua Turbo 4G, Intex Aqua View, Intex Aqua Wing, Intex Cloud 4G Smart, Intex Cloud 4G Star, Intex Cloud Crystal 2.5D, Intex Cloud Fame 4G, Intex Cloud Flash, Intex Cloud Glory 4G, Intex Cloud Jewel, Intex Cloud String HD, Intex Cloud String V2.0, Intex Cloud Swift
LG LG K332 (K7 LTE), LG Stylus 2 (K520DY)LG K520DY, LG H860 (LG G5), LG K500I ( LG X Screen), LG K535D (LG Stylus 2 Plus), LGH630D (LG G4 Stylus 4G), LGH 442 (LGC70 LG Spirit LTE)
Karbonn Karbonn Aura 1, Karbonn Aura Power, Karbonn Quattro L45 IPS, Karbonn Quattro L50 HD, Karbonn Quattro L51 HD, Karbonn Quattro L52 VR, Karbonn Quattro L55 HD
Lava LAVA A71, Lava A72, Lava A76, Lava A76 Plus, Lava A88, Lava A89, Lava A97, Lava Ivory s 4g, Lava V5 M,Lava Pixel V2, Lava V2s, Lava X10, Lava X11, Lava X12, Lava X17, Lava X28, Lava X38, Lava X41, Lava X41 Plus, Lava X46, Lava X50, Lava X50 Plus, Lava X81
Lenovo Lenovo A6600, Lenovo A2010, Lenovo A2020, Lenovo A6000, Lenovo A6000 shot, Lenovo A6600, Lenovo A7000, Lenovo A7700, Lenovo K3 Note, Lenovo Vibe K4 Note, Lenovo Vibe K5, Lenovo Vibe K5 Note, Lenovo Vibe K5 plus, Lenovo Vibe P1, Lenovo Vibe P1m, Lenovo Vibe S1, Lenovo Vibe Shot, Lenovo Vibe X3, Lenovo ZUK Z1
Motorola Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen), Motorola Moto G (2nd Gen), Motorola Moto G (3rd Gen), Motorola Moto G3 Turbo Edition, Motorola Moto G4, Motorola Moto G4 Play, Motorola Moto G4 Plus, Motorola Moto X (2nd Gen), Motorola Moto X Force, Motorola Moto X Play, Motorola Moto X Style
Micromax Micromax Bolt Selfie, Micromax Canvas 5, Micromax Canvas 5 Lite, Micromax Canvas 5 Lite Special Edition, Micromax Canvas 6, Micromax Canvas 6 Pro, Micromax Canvas Amaze 4G, Micromax Canvas Blaze 4G, Micromax Canvas Blaze 4G Plus, Micromax Canvas Evok, Micromax Canvas Fire 4G, Micromax Canvas Fire 4G plus, Micromax Canvas Fire 6, Micromax Canvas Juice 4G, Micromax Canvas Knight 2, Micromax Canvas Mega 2, Micromax Canvas Mega 4G, Micromax Canvas Nitro 4G, Micromax Canvas Pace 4G, Micromax Canvas Play 4G, Micromax Canvas Pulse 4G, Micromax Canvas Sliver 5, Micromax Canvas Tab, Micromax Canvas Unite 4, Micromax Canvas Xpress 4G, Micromax Unite 4 Plus, Micromax Unite 4 Pro
Samsung Samsung Galaxy A3, Samsung Galaxy A5, Samsung Galaxy A5 2016, Samsung Galaxy A5 Duos, Samsung Galaxy A7, Samsung Galaxy A7 2016, Samsung Galaxy A8, Samsung Galaxy Alpha, Samsung Galaxy Core Prime, Samsung Galaxy Grand Max, Samsung Galaxy J Max, Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace, Samsung Galaxy J2, Samsung Galaxy J2 2016, Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro, Samsung Galaxy J3, Samsung Galaxy J5, Samsung Galaxy J5 2016, Samsung Galaxy J7, Samsung Galaxy J7 2016, Samsung Galaxy K Zoom, Samsung Galaxy S5 Plus, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S4 4G, Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo, Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy S6 EDGE, Samsung Galaxy S6 EDGE Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE, Samsung Note 3, Samsung Note4, Samsung Note5, Samsung Note5 Duos, Samsung Note 7, Samsung Note EDGE, Samsung Grand Prime, Samsung ON5, Samsung On5 Pro, Samsung On7, Samsung On7 Pro, Samsung Z2
Sansui Sansui S50 FD45S
Sony  Sony Xperia X A, Sony Xperia X A Ultra, Sony Xperia X(F5122), Sony Xperia Z5 Dual(E6883), Sony Xperia Z5 Premium Dual
TCL  TCL 560, TCL 562, TCL FIT 5.5, TCL Pride T500L
Panasonic Panasonic ELUGA A2, Panasonic ELUGA Arc, Panasonic ELUGA LPanasonic ELUGA I2 (1GB ), Panasonic ELUGA Arc 2, Panasonic ELUGA L2, Panasonic ELUGA I2 2GB, Panasonic ELUGA I2 3GB, Panasonic ELUGA I3, Panasonic ELUGA Switch, Panasonic ELUGA Icon T42, Panasonic ELUGA Icon 2, Panasonic ELUGA Mark, Panasonic ELUGA Turbo, Panasonic ELUGA Note, Panasonic P55 Novo 4G, Panasonic P77
Videocon Videocon Graphite1 V45ED, Videocon Krypton 3 V50JG, Videocon Q1, Videocon V50FA3, Videocon V50FG6
Vivo Vivo V3, Vivo V3Max, Vivo Y21L, Vivo Y51L
Xolo Xolo Black-1X M, Xolo era 1X, Xolo era 2X, Xolo era 4G, Xolo era 4K, Xolo era X
YU YU Yuphoria, YU Yureka Note, YU Yureka S, YU Yureka Plus, YU Yunique, YU Yunique Plus, YU Yunicorn

My 4G mobile is absent in Jio VoLTE support list !

No problem, You can either contact mobile vendor via Chat or support mail or keep eyes on this page for further details on VoLTE supported phones. Most of Android phone with Qualcomm CPU ranging from 210 to 820 support VoLTE and they need  an update from operator to fully process voice calls using VoLTE service.

Brand VoLTE Phones
Apple Apple iPhone 6, Apple iPhone 6 Plus, Apple iPhone 6S, Apple iPhone 6S Plus, Apple iPhone SE
Blackberry  Priv
Coolpad  Coolpad Max, Coolpad Mega 2.5D
Google Google Nexus 5X, Google Nexus 6
Karbonn Karbonn Quattro L45 IPS, Karbonn A71
LG LG G3, LG K7, LG K10, LG K520 – Stylus 2, LG X Cam, LG Spirit 4G, LG G4 Stylus 4G, LG G3 4G LTE 32GB
LeEco  LeEco Le 2, LeEco Max 2
Lenovo  Lenovo Z2 Pro, Lenovo Vibe Shot
Micromax Micromax Canvas Sliver 5 (Q450), Micromax Canvas Mega 2 Q426
OnePlus OnePlus 3
Onida Onida I4G1
Oppo Oppo F1, Oppo A37, Oppo F1 Plus, Oppo F1S
Xiaomi Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (H3A), Xiaomi Redmi 2 Prime, Xiaomi Mi Max, Xiaomi Redmi 3S 8GB, Xiaomi Redmi 3S 16GB, Xiaomi Mi5
Zopo Zopo Speed 8
ZTE ZTE Blade S6, ZTE Blade S6 Plus

List of 4g supported phone without VoLTE

Phones added below support 4g but VoLTE is missing for now or may be available via OTA later – You can use JioJoin app to make HD Voice & Video calls instead.

List of 4g supported phone without VoLTE
Brand Models
Acer  Liquide Z530, Liquid Jade 2, Liquid Jade Primo
Alcatel  Pride T500L, POP 4+, Pop star
Asus  ZenFone 2 Laser ZE550KL, Zenfone 2 ZE551ML (16 gb), Zenfone 2 ZE550ML, Zenfone 2 Laser ZE601KL, Zenfone 2 Laser 5.0 ZE500KL, Zenfone Max (ZC550KL), Zenfone Selfie,Zenfone Zoom
Blackberry  Classic Q20, Leap, Passport, Porsche P9982, Porsche P9983, Dtek 50
Benq T3
BLU Life Mark, Life Mark
CoolPad  Note 3 Lite, Note 3 (8676i02), Note 3 Plus
Elephone P7000, S2 Plus
Gionee  CTRL V6L LTE, Elife S7, Elife E8, F103, Marathon M4, Marathon M5, Marathon M5 Plus, M5 Plus, S Plus, S8, P5L, Elife S6, F105, P7 Max, S6pro
HTC  Desire 820, Desire 626, Desire Eye,Desire 820S Dual Sim,Desire 828 DS, Desire 820Q,Desire 626 dual  Sim, One M8 Eye, One M8, One A9, One M9 Plus, One E9+ Dual Sim, One ME Dual Sim
Huawei  Honor 4x, Honor 5x, Honor 6, Nexus 6P(32 GB), Nexus 6P(64GB), Honor 6 Plus, Honor 7, Honor 7i, Mate 8, Nexus 6P(32 GB), Nexus 6P(64GB), P8, P9
iBerry  Auxus Stunner, Auxus Prime P8000
iBall Cobalt 5.5F Youva, Cobalt Solus 4G
Infocus  M425, M430, M530, M680, M808I, M812I, M460, M810
Intex  Aqua 4G+, Aqua 4G Star, Aqua Turbo 4G, Aqua Ace, Aqua Ace Mini, Aqua GenX, Aqua Super, Aqua Trend, Cloud Flash, Cloud Swift, Cloud 4G Star, Cloud 4G Smart
Itel IT1411, IT1512, it1520, SelfiePro it1511
Lava  Pixel V2, V5, A76, Iris X10, Ivory s 4G, Pixel V2, V2(3gb), V2S
Lenovo  A2010, A76, A6000, A6000 Shot, A6010, A6000 Plus, A6010, A7000, A7000 Turbo, K3 Note,K3 Note Music,  K4 Note, K5 Note, Phab Plus, S90, Vibe P1m, Vibe S1, Vive X2, Vibe X3,  Vibe P1,
Meizu M3 Note
Micromax  Canvas Nitro 3 4G, Canvas Blaze 4g, Canvas Fire 4G, Canvas Knight 2 4G, Canvas 5, Canvas Blaze 4G Plus, Canvas Pace 4G, Canvas Fire 4G+, Canvas Xpress 4G, Canvas Mega 4G, Pulse 4G, Juice 4G, Yu Yutopia, Yu Note,  Yu Yureka 3, Yu Yureka S, Bolt Ninja 4G(Q4201), Bolt Selfie (Q424), Bolt Supreme 6 (Q409), Canvas 5 lite special edition( Q463 ), Canvas Evok (E483)
Microsoft  Lumia 640 Dual, Lumia 640 XL LTE Dual, Lumia 950 Xl Dual
Motorola  Moto X 2nd, Moto G 3rd, Moto X Force, Moto Turbo
OnePlus  OnePlus One, OnePlus 2, OnePlus X
OPPO  X, Neo7, R7 Lite, R7 Plus, R5, N3, R5S
Pepsi P1
Phicomm Energy 653
Panasonic  Eluga Icon, Eluga I2, Eluga L2, T45, Mark, Switch, Eluga Turbo, Eluga Arc, Aluga Icon 2, Eluga I3
Qiku N4
Samsung   Galaxy J1 4G, Grand Prime 4G, Galaxy S5 Plus
Sony  Xperia M4 Dual, Xperia C4 Dual, Xperia C5 Ultra, Xperia  Z3, Xperia  M5, Xperia M5 Dual, Xperia  Z3 Plus, Xperia Z1 Compact, Xperia Z3 Compact, Xperia  Z5, Xperia  Z5 Compact, E4G Dual
Swipe  Elite 2, Elite Note, Elite Plus
TCL  Pride T500L, P561U(fit 5.5)
TP-Link Neffos C5 Max (TP702B), Neffos C5L(TP601B)
Vivo  V1, V27L, V1 Max, X5 Pro, X5 Max, V51L, X33, Y51
Wibridge BLEU WI 208
Wickedleak Wammy Note 5
Wor(l)d Space Phone 5GS
Xiaomi  Redmi 2 Prime, Redmi 2 8GB, Mi4i, Redmi Note 4G, Redmi Note Prime, Mi 4C, Redmi Note 2
XOLO  X11, Era 4G, Blade Q Lux 4G
Zopo Speed 8
ZTE Grand X Max Plus, Nubia Z7 Mini

If you don’t find your phone in ‘VoLTE supported 4g Phone list’, then Check back later more updates coming for 4G mobile.